Balloon Safari

Join us for an unforgettable journey above the Tarangire, Serengeti, Ruaha & Masai Mara


Where you can fly with Balloon


Tarangire National Park is located between the meadows of Masai Steppe to the south east and the lakes of the Great Rift Valley to the north and west. Among the rolling area where the park lies, it occupies an area of 2,600 square kilometres. The perennial Tarangire River takes over the northern part of Tarangire. Through the cut ditches, the River flows upwards up to when it leaves the corner of the park, in the North West flowing into Lake Burungi. There are a number of wide swamps which dry into green plains during the dry season in the south.


Serengeti National Park - the Maasai people call it ‘’Siringet’’ meaning wide endless plains.

A UNESCO’s world Heritage site and a biosphere reserve since 1981 ,Serengeti is ,one of the oldest ,the largest and the best National Park in Africa. Serengeti is one of the most famous wildlife areas in the world with the greatest concentration of wild animals on the planet!


This world -renownedPark is a sanctuary for the last remaining annual mammal migration in the world. The wildlife experience in this most famous park is unparalleled ! Serengeti is home to the richest large predator/prey interactions worldwide and its plant and animal diversity is equally rich. There are more than 530 species of bird that has been recorded in Serengeti, a quarter of which migrate annually to or through the park. To witness these unique wonders, Serengeti offers game viewing, walking safaris, hot air balloon filming and photographic safaris.


Ruaha National Park - is Largest remote park is found in southern Tanzania. The convergence of vegetation zone in this huge Park has resulted in an unusual combination of animals ,Particularly Greater and Lesser Kudu, together with sable and roan antelopes in the Park a feature that is not found in other National Park in the country.

Key animals found in Ruaha National Park includes elephant ,zebra, lion, giraffe, hunting dog, ostrich, greater and lesser kudu, gazelles, striped hyena, sable and roan antelopes, crocodile and hippos mainly in Ruaha River. More than 540 species of birds have been recorded in this Park.


Maasai Mara National Reserve is located in south-west Kenya and is one of Africa’s Greatest Wildlife Reserves. Together with Serengeti National Park in Tanzania it forms Africa’s most diverse, incredible and most spectacular eco-systems and possibly the world’s top safari big game viewing ecosystem.


Wildebeest migration: Make sure you have your safari book planned out that includes the Maasai Mara. I am sure you have heard the wildebeest migration is nothing short of amazing. It is one of the things you have to add to your bucket list. Best time to be in Kenya for it is JULY – OCTOBER.

From your camp to the balloon

0400 – 0515hrs: Some things are worth getting up early for and this is certainly one of them. Rising before the birds and heading out in the silence of the pre-dawn towards the launch-site is all part of the anticipation. Perhaps one of the Serengeti’s more elusive inhabitants will be caught in the headlights on this nocturnal game drive.


Keeping safe & preparing to fly

0615 - 0645hrs: Your pilot takes you through the important safety briefing ahead of your flight as the sky begins to lighten and the crew inflates the balloon - an envelope of savannah gold and acacia green billowing into the cool morning, lit by the flames of the burners. You climb into the basket and prepare to lift into the dawn.


Journey through the soft winds

0645 – 0815 hrs: As the balloon glides gently upward, your pilot gives the signal to rise from the launch position in the basket. Your first glimpse of Ruaha or Serengeti from the sky – a landscape of meandering river courses, towering baobabs, granite outcrops and acacia woodland for as far as the eye can see. Among them are big cats on early morning hunts, herds of hundreds of elephants seeking water at the river bank, hippos wallowing peacefully and birds giving accompaniment to the rising sun. Our experienced pilots will interpret the sights and sounds as you drift low across the treetops, scanning the riverbanks, or climb into the deepening blue of the sky to gaze down at this great wilderness. An hour or so aloft, and you’ll return gently to the earth, exhilarated and ready for the next part of your adventure.


Celebrating a tradition

0815 – 0830 hrs: “We have flown so high and so well that God has joined you in laughter and set you gently back into the loving arms of Mother Earth.” As is the tradition of balloonists, we toast the flight with sparkling wine before boarding a safari car for a short game drive to breakfast.


Breakfast as nature intended

0830 – 0930 hrs: The crew have laid an immaculate table under the spreading boughs of a baobab tree in the wilds of Ruaha and are waiting to serve fresh coffee and juice, tropical fruit and freshly baked bread. They will cook a full English breakfast while you relax and relive your flight with your fellow passengers. The time will come to move on, but right now you can just “be '', soaking in the warm sunshine and the feeling of having let your soul soar free for a moment.

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Trips To Inspire with Balloon Safari

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